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Dry Eye Treatment in West Hollywood

The Path to Dry Eye Relief Stars at Positive Eye Ons

A significant and growing number of people suffer from dry eye syndrome — but there’s nothing to worry about, because thanks to what we offer at Positive Eye Ons, your dry eye symptoms will be a thing of the past. Our team has decades of experience helping patients who have been where you are now, and we have access to the best, most innovative diagnostic and dry eye treatment tech, like LipiFlow, TempSure Envi, and IPL. Give yourself a break and come to us, there’s no need to keep putting up with your dry eye symptoms.

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What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye occurs when the eyes are not properly lubricated. Sometimes the eyes don’t produce enough tears, or they do not properly lubricate your eyes. This tear instability leads to inflammation and can damage the cornea. Symptoms of dry eye include:

  • Light sensitivity
  • A stinging or burning sensation
  • Redness
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty wearing contacts
  • Difficulty driving at night
  • Overly watery eyes
Woman rubbing her eyes while using her smartphone
Dry eye management

Why Is Dry Eye Management Important?

Several reasons: dry eye management reduces or eliminates symptoms, it prevents damage to the surface of your eyes, wearing contact lenses is easier, and you can improve surgical outcomes for procedures such as LASIK. Dry eye is a frustrating condition that gets worse as the day progresses — eliminating that ever-present discomfort improves your quality of life by making each moment of every day feel more comfortable.

Our Advanced Equipment

At Positive Eye Ons, our approach to dry eye treatment is comprehensive and driven by best-in-class tech that allows us to get a complete and accurate read of your eyes to assess tear quality, film stability, and meibomian gland function. Then we get together with you and hammer out a treatment plan that works to give you immediate and long-term relief from symptoms, as well as address your condition’s root cause.
Doctor performing eye exam using advanced equipment at Positive Eye Ons

Our Dry Eye Treatments

We’ve got you covered — the tech we’ve invested in is among the most advanced the market has to offer for dry eye treatment. And the plans we make for you are completely customized; the big advantage of having this much to offer is that we can adapt your care to meet your unique needs, genetics, and lifestyle.
Woman undergoing TempSure Envi

TempSure Envi

Almost 90% of dry eye cases are due to evaporative dry eye, which is primarily caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. TempSure Envi is a new, innovative treatment that uses radiofrequency waves to apply gentle heat to the meibomian glands to help loosen and melt away blockages in the meibomian glands and restore the integrity of the tear film.

Woman undergoing LipiFlow treatment


LipiFlow also targets the meibomian glands — the heat is applied through a device that covers the whole eyelid. The energy it applies is also tender, and it helps melt the waxes and pollutants that build in your meibomian glands.

IPL dry eye treatment at Positive Eye Ons

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

IPL therapy is a highly effective means of reducing the inflammatory effects of dry eye disease. This non-invasive treatment applies gentle light energy to a targeted area, which stimulates glandular function and helps reduce inflammation.

Man applying eye drops for dry eyes

Specialty Eye Drops

There are a number of specialty eye drops available, and our expert team will recommend the correct drops for your particular situation. They can help temporarily restore the tear film, alleviate symptoms, reduce ocular allergies, and more.

<span><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/tempsure-icon.png"></span>TempSure Envi

TempSure Envi

Almost 90% of dry eye cases are due to evaporative dry eye, which is primarily caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. TempSure Envi is a new, innovative treatment that uses radiofrequency waves to apply gentle heat to the meibomian glands to help loosen and melt away blockages in the meibomian glands and restore the integrity of the tear film.

<span><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/lipiflow-icon.png"></span>LipiFlow


LipiFlow also targets the meibomian glands — the heat is applied through a device that covers the whole eyelid. The energy it applies is also tender, and it helps melt the waxes and pollutants that build in your meibomian glands.

<span><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/ipl-icon.png"></span>Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

IPL therapy is a highly effective means of reducing the inflammatory effects of dry eye disease. This non-invasive treatment applies gentle light energy to a targeted area, which stimulates glandular function and helps reduce inflammation.

<span><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/specialty-eye-drops-icon.png"></span>Specialty Eye Drops

Specialty Eye Drops

There are a number of specialty eye drops available, and our expert team will recommend the correct drops for your particular situation. They can help temporarily restore the tear film, alleviate symptoms, reduce ocular allergies, and more.

Man relaxing with eyes closed

Why Choose Us for Your Dry Eye Treatment?

Don’t worry — with our team of knowledgeable experts on your side, dry eye relief is just around the corner! With us at Positive Eye Ons, the service you receive is comprehensive, from your precise exam to the customized plan we create to provide you with relief. Book an appointment and learn more about how we can help you see clearly and comfortably.